I would confess that recent surrounding events have been quite shocking. Well, maybe not so shocking but has caused a replay of thoughts. We can’t just stop asking many questions, even if we seem to know the answer. Questions like; “Why do bad things happen to good people?” or “Why do Christians have to go through pain, when Jesus bore the pain on the cross of Calvary?”. To some people, asking these questions seems like exhibiting some lack of faith in God. But questions like these help you to truly understand the purpose of pain.
Few days ago, I came across the sad news of the passing away of the sons of two powerful gospel preachers. The sons of the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God based in Nigeria, and the Senior Pastor of Saddleback church in Florida, US. Both preachers echoed the words of Paul the Apostle through their comments. As Christians, we are not exempted from the scourge and disappointments of life, but we have an advantage in God. His Presence in our Pain brings unexplained Peace. Paul said “What shall separate us from the love of God? “death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38,39
His Presence in our Pain brings unexplained Peace
I have had my moments of life scourges and pains, and I could not agree less that there is a purpose for every pain. Listen to Pastor Adeboye’s response here and Pastor Rick Warren’s response here. And these are great lessons I could glean from those responses:
There is a purpose for every pain.
Miracles are real but they don’t always happen.
Our Greatest witness as Christians is our reaction to pain
Learn the ministry of Presence – You don’t have to always respond to other people’s pain. Just show up and keep quiet.
Our greatest ministry always come out from our biggest pain.
Pain is Universal. Pain does not discriminate.
Don’t waste your pain.
God has promised us he will never leave us alone. He will always be with us. No matter the pain, make sure you find God in the pain, stay with him, seek his peace, He will never leave you alone. He is near. Emmanuel – God with us!